tirsdag 25. november 2008

blue monday

this is one of those mornings when i wish i was a coffee-drinker. but im not. so i just poured a lot of sugar in my tea instead. i was hoping to get some sleep on the bus this morning, but a guy from nambia or something sat next to me, and he was really in the chatting mood. got about 5 hours of sleep tonight, and ca 4 the night before that. didnt eat breakfast before the childrens lunchtime. ive done that a couple of times lately. i used to be such a good girl, i ate my big, healthy breakfast everyday, took my vitamins and got early to bed. but as everything changed so suddenly, i had to adapt. i dont really have a place to stay untill monday, so im sleeping at friends and family. but im really looking forward to moving into my new apartment. it will be so good. itl be the first time i live all by myself, ive always lived with friends, boyfriends. but now im all alone, and i can do whatever. like cook in the middle of the night, and play old music really loud, and leave my dirty chlotes on the bathroomfloor as long as i want. wow,thats sooo crazy. eh..

4 kommentarer:

Hanna sa...

I can`t wait to move out from my parents! Lucky you:D

Bibbi-Jeanette sa...

Jeg misunner deg!
Men så skal jeg nye ukelønn, vaskehjelp og ferdig middag en stund til :)

oh my deer sa...

darksome sea: well, its been a while since i lives at my parents house. but this is the first time i live without friends. yeah, i feel lucky =)

bibbi: jaa, det er digg, men bare vent til du får vannlekkasje på badet som du må dekke selv! da ere ikke like gøy lenger... ;)

Hanna sa...

Takk for tipset! :)